Question : Autocorrect Custom Dictionary

1.  What is it named?  (50pts)
2.  Where is it located? (50pts)
3.  How to I effectively dump it's contents to any useable data/text/csv format?  (200pts)

Lets rumble!!

regards and thanks in advance

Answer : Autocorrect Custom Dictionary

to list autocorrect entries:
add reference to word x.x object library

sub will load file (path and name passed as parameter) with autocorrect values

sub OutputAutoCorrect(pstrFile as string)
'pstrfile is file to load with auto correct list

dim intfile as integer
dim objWord as word.application
dim wrdDoc as word.document
Dim aceLoop as AutoCorrectEntry

set objword = new word.application
set wrdDoc = objWord.documents.add ' Autocorrect is not avaliable unless a document is open

intFile = freefile
open pstrfile for output as intfile

For Each aceLoop in objWordAutoCorrect.Entries
    With aceLoop
        write #intfile, .Name, .value
     End With
Next aceLoop
close intfile
wrddoc.close false
set wrddoc = nothing
set objword = nothing
end sub

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