Question : To know 31st working date from the date entered


Would like to know 31st working date from the entered date

Answer : To know 31st working date from the date entered

If you are building the sql statement in code then your punctuation around the Where clause has gone awry.

And the left join will not operate as a left join because of the selection, it will operate as an inner join.
But I think it's an inner join you really want here.

strsql= "SELECT * FROM WorkOrders INNER JOIN (SELECT [tblEmployees].[lngEmpID], [tblEmployees].[EmployeeName] FROM tblEmployees ORDER BY [EmployeeName])  AS Lookup_Mechanic ON WorkOrders.Mechanic = Lookup_Mechanic.lngEmpID WHERE Lookup_Mechanic.EmployeeName='" & GloginEmp & "'"

I notice that you are using both Global and Public in your definitions.
Global is dead (but still works). Public is current usage.
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