Question : Can SQL Server databases be used within stand alone desktop applications?

Anyone experienced in MS SQL Server will probably have to laugh at such a basic question, but in trying to grapple with what SQL Server is exactly (I obviously have zero database experience), this is one very simple question that I haven't been able to totally verify.  I am pretty sure the answer is: certainly, yes.  But why is the thing called: SQL SERVER then?  And, most the time, discussions about using a SQL Server database seems to assume that the database is located on a (internet based) server, thus is being used for a web site or web service (etc).  But my interest in perhaps jumping into the sea of learning SQL database stuff is mostly based on the prospects of implementing databases within a (fully stand alone) desktop application (Windows Forms, etc).  So I would like to fully verify that SQL Server is just as much for making desktop application based databases as it is for making Server based databases.  (And, it would be nice to know why the word "Server" is in its name too).


Answer : Can SQL Server databases be used within stand alone desktop applications?

No, the whole thing can be part of the Application load as you will just want the database for the end users and not want all the management tools on them.  You will just want them for your development and set up work.
 Here are a couple more articles that go into detail about embedding the database.
SQL Server Express WebLog : Configuring SQL Express During Installation
Embedding SQL Server 2008 Express in an Application
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