Question : Setting up IIS

I am setting up IIS on my server again because I have formatted my machine.

When I get to the stage of setuping IIS with this command in the SDK command prompt:

aspnet_regiis.exe -i

I get this error:

Setup has detected some errors during the operation. For details, please read th
e setup log file C:\DOCUME~1\Admin\LOCALS~1\Temp\ASPNETSetup_00004.log

And I look through the logfile and see this:

2007-06-27 19:17:20      Starting      Determining if we are running on a domain controller
2007-06-27 19:17:20      Failure       Determining if we are running on a domain controller: IsDomainController failed with HRESULT 80070842: 'The Server service is not started.  '

Thanks Anyone

Answer : Setting up IIS

Check the Server service, not IIS related services.
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