Question : NSLOOKUP
I just installed Srv 2008 , just to test it out and get to know it, when it conifg the DNS it gave itself the address for the DNS I chnaged it to the IP address of the Srv Whne I try to use NSLOOKUP with any of the two IP address I get ( is the attached file) the same results. Any idea why?
Hi noad, You will usually get unknown error when you do not have a record created in your reverse DNS lookup zone for the server's IP address. Make sure this is created before you proceed, then test again.
Can you also: reply, including a COMPLETE ipconfig /all output (run from the command line) from the server? You can right-click the title of the command prompt window, go to Edit than Mark, which allows you to select the text. The same menu then allows you to copy it and you can paste to Experts Exchange for us to review.
Also, does the DNS query continue to work - i.e. if you enter the server's DNS name is the correct IP address for this server returned?