Question : Error: Scaling of decimal value resulted in data truncation

I'm taking a Excel cell value and trying to save it to an Access field. I keep getting the error: Scaling of decimal value resulted in data truncation.

The Access field (PF) data type is Numeric, Field size = "decimal", Percision = 28, Scale 6

The value in the Excel cell ("pf") is: 0.748284042319986

I've been attempting to follow existing VBA that I got from another related application doing the same thing:
!pf = Right(Range("pf"), Len(Range("pf")) - 1)

Any suggestions? Thanks as always!!!

Answer : Error: Scaling of decimal value resulted in data truncation

                   Dim lngPF As Variant


                    !pf = Left(lngPF, len(lngPF)-1)
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