Question : Remotely Installing Windows Server 2008


I'm currently in the process of upgrading some servers to Windows Server 2008. As of right now, you could say the only remote software that I'm familiar with is LogMeIn and RADMIN.

The problem is that I'm trying to upgrade a Windows Server 2003 system to 2008, and that I'm trying to do it remotely. I can get as far as starting the installation process, but once it reboots, none of my remote software works (needs to be reinstalled), meaning I have no access to the system until I can physically touch it.

This poses a problem for me as all of the upgrades are done at night, and I don't like having the server down until the next morning.

Currently, I'm looking into using "vlite" to create an unattended setup disc, but I'm not sure how well that will work. I also know there's a GUI for something like Windows Automated Installation, but I have yet to find any good tutorials or reviews on using this with Server 2008.

If somebody could point me to some remote software that works after the reboot (this would be best), or a way to slipstream remote software into an installation or a good tutorial for creating one, that'd be great.


Answer : Remotely Installing Windows Server 2008

Enable Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RDP-WinStationExtensions
 when doing an unattended installation
See link for samples:

Suggestions for configured options in answer file for remote installations:
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