Question : Need to make a label visible on screen when record has been deleted but not yet cleared using Pack

In a program I am interested in making the word "Deleted" visible on the screen when I stop at a record that has been marked for deletion but has not yet been cleared completely from the database using PACK.  I figured that using some form of statement including  " thisform.label88.Visible = .t."  if the record has been marked for deletion but not yet packed would be the way to go, but i need help figuring out where exactly to put it and how to make it work. Obviously, if the record is not marked for deletion, then the words in label88 would not be showing.

Answer : Need to make a label visible on screen when record has been deleted but not yet cleared using Pack

The main table is not displayed in a grid, so you have to add following line into the method which is used to refresh controls in the top part of the form after record change caused by action like "Record search", "Find", and "Delete".

thisform.label88.visible = deleted("eventbook")
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