This is a difficult problem to answer accurately without a great deal more information.
There are lots of ways to speed up almost anything, but first you would have to investigate what part is "slow"... speeding up the things that are not the current bottleneck will just cost $ and not help much...
Using Windows Perfmon to watch the system while you are using it can point to the bottlenck as being CPU or disk or possibly something else...
If it is disk bound, using an SSD (Solid State Disk) in each laptop instead of the hard drive, (basically a big, fast flash drive) could help a very large amount if the slow laptop disk was the bottleneck. Partitioning the disk so that the database is on it's own partition/drive letter would keep the database files from being fragmented as much. Running a regular disk defrag could help the laptops now (Vist does this daily by default). Reformatting / Changing the disk database drive so that the clusters were larger also helps slower laptop hard drives.
If it is CPU bound then changing the way the calculations are done would likely be the most effective approach. Moving things to a SQL server could make things better or worse, depending on how the application is written. "Pre-Calculating" things on a SQL server so they are ready to be retrieved could save a lot of time, but it would be hard to say that just moving the calculation load to the SQL server would improve your response time.
Good code can run quickly just about anywhere, but code that is not written well to minimize the bottlenecks can be slow almost anywhere as well.