Question : formula disappear after converting from 2003 to 2007


I have problem that when i am creating excel file with some formulas and then open it with office 2007 and converted to excel 2007 using the office 2007 converter option, some of the formula been disappear, so my qustion, have this been reported before and is there are any solution? also is it suppose that when i converter file from office 2003 to office 2007 i should have all the functionality i used to have it in the file before the converting?

for your information the file size that i am getting the problem with is more than 200 MB


Answer : formula disappear after converting from 2003 to 2007


This has been a problem for a while.  I don't have 2007 so I can only go by what I read.  Here is an example from this Feb.

I still have not heard if SP1 has fixed this issue.  The most common workaround is to open the 2003 file with 2007.  Then save as .xlsx or if macros are used .xlsm.

Sorry I don't have better news.

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