Question : I have rules that automatically move email into Outlook 2007 sub folders. Only the most important email stays in my Inbox. Need a way of displaying all Unread Mail that is only in my Outlook Inbox

I have rules that automatically move email into Outlook 2007 sub folders. Only the most important email stays in my Inbox. Need a way of displaying all Unread Email that is only in my Outlook Inbox.

Currently, whenever I click on Unread Mail (below Favorite Folders), it displays ALL of the unread email, including the frivolous emails that I receive that is automatically moved to the Outlook sub folders by the Outlook rules that I have implemented (see the screenshot, private information has been whited out).

How can I create an Unread Mail folder that will only display the unread email that is in my Outlook Inbox?

I don't want to add the Mark Email as Read option to any of the frivolous emails that are automatically moved to the Outlook subfolders, since I sometimes need to go into these subfolders to view these email alerts and other frivolous emails.

Answer : I have rules that automatically move email into Outlook 2007 sub folders. Only the most important email stays in my Inbox. Need a way of displaying all Unread Mail that is only in my Outlook Inbox

Right Click in your "Search Folders"
Click on "New Search Folder"
Scroll down and click "Create a custom search folder"
Click "Choose"
Click "Criteria"
Click the "Advanced" Tab
use the "Field" Drop down
Select >"All Mail Fields"> "In Folder"
Set condition to "Is(Exactly)"
Set value to "Inbox"
Click "Add To LIst"

Click "More Choices" Tab
check the "Only Items That Are Unread" box

Click "OK"

Name your Criteria (ie. Inbox-Unread)
Click "OK"

Click "OK"

You will now have a new search folder that only shows Unread Items in your Inbox
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