Ok, from scratch.
Beginning with your uploaded test-db.mdb file:
1. Open tblFundingMeth in design view.
2. Change the Data Type of field FundMethID to AutoNumber.
3. Save & Close the table.
4. Open frmEnterAdditionalInfo in design view.
5. Right click on the cboClientID control and select properties.
6. Select 'Data' tab.
7. In the Control Source Property select 'ClientID' from the available drop-down box.
8. In the Header of the property sheet, click on the drop down box and select 'Date'.
9. In the Default Value field enter: =Date()
10. Save and Close the Form.
11. Press [Alt] + [F11]. (To open the vba editor.)
12. Open the Form_frmEnterAdditionalInfo page.
13. Delete the procedure cboClientID_AfterUpdate().
14. Copy and paste the code I have provided above into this page.
If you follow these steps you sbould be up and running.
I have attached the updated version of the test-db file as well in case you need further reference.
Hope this helps, let me know how it goes...