Question : Cannot extract bitmap from resources section of app!

Ah hello.

Firstly, I would like to wish everyone a happy, safe and prosperous 2010 :-)

Now, I am trying to extract a bitmap from executable using the following code:

      if ( HRSRC hRes = FindResource ( NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP1), RT_BITMAP ) )
            if ( HGLOBAL hResLoad = LoadResource ( NULL, hRes ) )
                  LPVOID pVoid = LockResource ( hResLoad );
                  DWORD dwSize = SizeofResource ( NULL, hRes );
                  CFile file ( _T("C:\\test.bmp"), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite );
                  file.Write ( pVoid, dwSize );

The file is created, but when I double click it to open it, I get told it is an invalid bitmap.  This code is based on that found at, which, incidentally, does not work for bitmap resources either, but does work for custom resources (the article demonstrates extracting an EXE).

So, two questions:

1) Why does this code not work for a bitmap resource?

2) Assuming I can exract the bitmap correctly, I would like to be able to change it (say, using Paint), then re-embed it in my executable, in a similar way we can edit the resources of an executable/DLL in visual studio.  How can I do this?

(I assume that 2) is going to be the hardest question :))


Answer : Cannot extract bitmap from resources section of app!

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