Question : What's the easiest way to transfer records from one table to another?
I have two tables, tbContacts1 and tbContacts2. They have identical field structures. I need to transfer 100 files from tbContacts1 to tbContacts2.
Is the general idea of the program:
Open rsContacts1 with the files to be moved from tbContacts1 Open tbContacts2 in datamode acFormAdd
Do while not rsContacts1.eof tbContacts2.addnew tbContacts2.fieldA = rsContacts1.fieldA tbContacts2.fieldB = rsContacts1.fieldB tbContacts2.fieldC = rsContacts1.fieldC . . . rsContacts1.MoveNext Loop
or is there a more direct method? If not, I'll just proceed with this method. Otherwise, please advise of the more direct metod.
Answer : What's the easiest way to transfer records from one table to another?
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