Question : SSL Popup windows stop showing up as trusted sites

We have a org application that our users log into with smart cards.  You access various functions of the web site, cert functions open up a popup window that contains the application.  On one machine, it stops working.  Here is what happens:

User logs into first stage of application with smart card, site opens fine.  User clicks link to open new application, new popup window opens up, requests certificate check and then goes blank with the Diagnose Connection link.  The site in the address bar, although is in the trusted sites, shows up as internet zone.

On other user workstations, the popup opens, connects as trusted site and the site works fine.

We cleared the users profile and gave  him a new one.  Site then worked fine for about 4 hours.  It just stopped working again, same exact problem.  Any ideas what could be causing this?  User is on Vista Business using IE 7.  All other sites using smart cards are working perfectly, but they do not use popups like the problem site does.



Answer : SSL Popup windows stop showing up as trusted sites

Sounds like a caching problem of some kind to me, since it is recognizing the zone wrong I would guess IE.  Hopefully its current on all its patches, make sure there aren't any 'recommended' ones that might apply that might not have gotten installed by windows update automatically, etc.

Might be able to clean up by: internet options - content tab - clear ssl state button.  Might also need to clean temp internet files and restart the browser too.  If you had already tried that, I'm not really sure what to say.

Its possible the site may have a 4 hour SSL session timeout, although it is more common to have shorter than that like 2 hours.  Maybe have them log out of the application when they go on breaks and see if that helps - if it requires a smart card for logon they probably should be doing that anyways...  It may be that doing this might keep it from getting into that state so it doesn't cache it for subsequant issues.

Not likely, but a small possibility that pulling and reinserting the card may help.  Do you know if this site occasionally polls to see if the card is still inserted, or is it just used for a client authentication for an SSL session (so card would not need to be in after they logged into the site the first time)?  If it seems to be related to the card, try contacting the smartcard middleward vendor.
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