Question : Cancel button on form

I use MS Access 2000 on Win 2000/XP.

I have a form (showing data from a table) with the following buttons: Edit, Save, Cancel
The form opens with Allow Edits as false. When the user clicks Edit, it changes the Allow Edits to True. When the user clicks Save, it saves the record and changes Allow Edits to False again.

Whlie the user is editing (and hasn't clicked Save) I want the Cancel button to undo all his changes (if any) and go back to how the record was BEFORE they clicked Edit and set Allow Edits to False too.

How do I do this? Thanks.

Answer : Cancel button on form

Hi Annu,
    Once you load the form, you should store all the current options in some variable... Then revert to that once Cancel has been hit..

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