Question : Format Dynamically created datagrid's column to currency

I have a Gridview that is populated by a dataset, which is obtained from a SQL Server 2005 database.  The datasource is gathered dynamically, in that it could have varying amounts of columns.  
My question is this:
How do I format the Gridview column so that it shows as currency.  I know the format.string("{0:c}", somenumber), but that will not work for my scenario.  As the datasource is created in the code behind, I have no inItemBound selection in the codebehind window, otherwise I could format it accordingly.  
I can provide data if needed, but I think this is a mechanics issue, as the data is successfully gathered into the dataset properly.

Answer : Format Dynamically created datagrid's column to currency

check this out:

the trick is, it determines formatting based on the column type.  here is some simplified code i got working from it (just plop a gridview and a button on the form, then paste this in the code behind).  you might be able to get something out of this to point you in the right direction:

    Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        ' create datatable
        Dim theData As New DataTable
        theData.Columns.Add("Price", GetType(System.Decimal))

        ' put some data in it
        Dim aRow As DataRow = theData.NewRow
        aRow("Price") = 3.23
        aRow("Desc") = "something"

        aRow = theData.NewRow
        aRow("Price") = 32.83
        aRow("Desc") = "something else"

        ' load it
        Me.GridView1.DataSource = theData
        Me.GridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = False

        ' format the columns

        ' bind it

    End Sub

    Private Sub FormatColumns(ByRef tblData As DataTable)
        Dim colDataColumn As DataColumn
        For Each colDataColumn In tblData.Columns()
    End Sub

    Private Function CreateBoundColumns(ByRef colDataColumn As DataColumn) As BoundField
        Dim bndColumn As New BoundField()
        bndColumn.DataField = colDataColumn.ColumnName
        bndColumn.HtmlEncode = False
        bndColumn.HeaderText = colDataColumn.ColumnName.Replace("_", " ")
        bndColumn.DataFormatString = SetFormatString(colDataColumn)
        Return bndColumn
    End Function
    Private Function SetFormatString(ByRef colDataColumn As DataColumn) As String
        Dim strDataType As String
        Select Case colDataColumn.DataType.ToString()
            Case "System.Int32"
                strDataType = "{0:#,###}"
            Case "System.Decimal"
                strDataType = "{0:C}"
            Case "System.DateTime"
                strDataType = "{0:dd-mm-yyyy}"
            Case "System.String"
                strDataType = ""
            Case Else
                strDataType = ""
        End Select
        Return strDataType
    End Function

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