Question : Problems with external emails bouncing back

Problems with external emails bouncing back.

We have just put in a new exchange server and we are experience a few glitches in sending mail. One is them is.... when some users try and send mail to external companys they get the below bounce back message.

anyone have any ideas how I can set it so these messages reach their destination??

We are using Exchange 2007 on Server 2003 - Previously we had an outsourced Exchange Server.

From: Mail Delivery System [[email protected]]
Sent: 29 December 2009 20:16
To: [email protected]
Subject: Undeliverable: Final TRC Books - December, 2009
Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:
[email protected]
An error occurred while trying to deliver this message to the recipient's e-mail address. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please try resending this message, or provide the following diagnostic text to your system administrator.
The following organization rejected your message: [].

Answer : Problems with external emails bouncing back

Please make sure your environment is setup properly by following my FAQ which will show you some tests you can perform and what to do if you are not setup properly:

If you are not sure about anything, please come back for more details.


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