Question : control name "xxx" is misspelled or refer to a control that doesn't exist

I am having 2 related weird problems with Access 2007.
1. Sometimes I get an error message "The control name "xxx" is misspelled or refer to a control that doesn't exist" when I use the embedded macro to build actions. However, I am 100% positive I am doing things right. Also, this error dissolves when I convert the macro to visual basic code. What happened here?

2. I am transferring the database to another computer when I finish creating my database and tested out without errors on my computer. The same error message above suddenly appears in the new computer. Why? It seems like I need to convert all those embedded macros to visual basic codes to avoid this problem but I don't understand how can the database work on one computer but suddenly not on another computer.

Thank you.

Answer : control name "xxx" is misspelled or refer to a control that doesn't exist

Generally when the db works on one machine but not the other, it's due to "references" which are missing on the trouble machine. You can check this by opening the Visual Basic editor and clicking Tools - References. If any are marked as MISSING, let us know.

As to your other issue - I'd suggest that you Compact the database. In 2007, click the Office button - Manage, and then Compact.
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