Question : Access qurery not showing the right data with linked SQL 2005 tables


We have a Access 2000 database with linked tables to a SQL 2005 server.  I created a DSN file to link the files to the server.  Now when one of our users does a query on two of the tables using a between date criteria the data that Access shows has dates from before and after the between criteria.  When I run the same query in SQL Management Studio I get the correct results.  Any ideas on what is happening?

Answer : Access qurery not showing the right data with linked SQL 2005 tables

Looks fine, except that it is bad programming to have Date as a column name.
Date is a reserved word in Access, which returns the system date on your user's pc, and may cause queries to fail.;en-us;286335

I highly recommend renaming your Date column to something else, like dtRevenue, dtEnroll, dtPaid, or dtWhatever, then re-running your query.
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