Question : The report server installation is not initialized and i can not initialize it

I have just installed SRSS onto a SQL 2005 standard server. I am trying to access the reports but I am getting the error message

The report server installation is not initialized.

In the Reporting Services configuration, the Initialization button is greyed out with an X through it. I tried using

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\binn\rsactivate

But it does not recognize the command.

How can I activate the report services?

Answer : The report server installation is not initialized and i can not initialize it

If INITIALIZATION is still "X" Try the following :
1. usually done while configuring reporting for the first time on the machine. :
 check rsreportserver.config file for the tag , chnage the machine  name to ur machine  name , if it already is not that way
If u have recently changed ur windows password, you may need to check the  'database connection' , tab of reporting service config manager. if you  select to use 'windows Credentials' , re-enter  ur password , and this   should solve the problem. 3. Another problem may arise at this point, that while initializing , the report  server can't decrypt/read the encrypted content of the report server   database, so , simply goto the initialization tab of the reporting service   config manager , and delete the encrypted content.

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