Question : How do I hide the splash screen on application load? VB.NET 2005

OK, here is the problem....

When I load my application I am using the application loading events in VS.NET 2005...  The problem is that the module events will sometimes cause msgbox errors, etc..  The issue is that the splash screen will cover them up.

I have tried:
 Splash screen is NOT set to top (does not work)
 Sending the splashscreen to the back on load (does not work)
 hide the form from the application startup (errors b/c that form is in another thread)
Example of startup events which references the module

        Private Sub MyApplication_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.StartupEventArgs) Handles Me.Startup
            ' put your formless code in here...
            ' you could even call Subs/Functions that reside in a Module from
            ' here if you like...

            ' prevent the "Startup Object" from showing...
            e.Cancel = True

            'Start system pre-start sequence

            ' allow the "Startup Object" to show...
            e.Cancel = False
        End Sub

So how would I access the thread the splash screen is on?  Maybe you can think of an easier solution?  My splash screen is referenced as: Splash_Screen_Form = Me

and the code that throws the thread error is simply Splash_Screen_Form.Hide()

Thanks for all your help!

Answer : How do I hide the splash screen on application load? VB.NET 2005

create startup module.

spawn your splash screen from that.

create a workerthread to initialize all your things you need to do, while showing some progressbar on your splash e.g.
when done, just load your main form and kill the splash screen

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