Question : One report column in Italics

One of our users just distributed our Access app to 7 more users within their organization.  They are all in the same physical location running on the same server alhough some of them have Access 2003 and some have Access 2007.  Some have different default printers also.

The issue that they reported was that the text on some of the fields on a report was being italicised on 2 of the 7 computers.  Actually just one column of the 4 column report.  They see the italicised text in preview mode and on the printed version.

Our app doesn't italicise anything on the report.

Any ideas on what might cause this?  They sent screen prints and hard copy output confirming the issue.

Answer : One report column in Italics

The must common cause is the two "problem" computers do not have the font you are using registered on their computer so Access is substituting another font. Have them check in the Control panel, Fonts folder. If not there, have them copy the font from another machine and then install the font.
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