Question : reading a text file and saving to access
I have a program in Visual Basic that is currently presenting the following trouble: First, it reads a text file which is later recorded in an access database. When the text file contains more than 3000 records, and when the records are in process of being saved, the program gets "stuck" (not responding). I suppose that the amount of simultaneous recordings could possibly cause a buffer problem. But I don't know where to verify this situation. What do you think the problem would be? or Where could I find info about it?
Answer : reading a text file and saving to access
DEUDAS is a different table to DEUDORES so why would you expect a similar write performance.
However if youre writing to the same table you might try this hack:
on error resume next db.execute "DROP table tblTEMP" on error goto 0
' create table structure db.Execute "SELECT * INTO tblTEMP FROM DEUDORES WHERE RUT = 'zzzzz'"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblTEMP", dbOpenDynaset)
**** do your stuff here ******
'when done: db.Execute "INSERT INTO DEUDORES SELECT * FROM tblTEMP"
' tidy up: lose the temp table on error resume next db.execute "DROP table tblTEMP" on error goto 0