Question : WSS 3.0 migrate site from development machine to production server - Best practices

Hi I want to migrate my new site from development machine to server. I have there some custom c# code and javascript on site. I want to know what is the best pracitice to do the following:
- migrate site without the data that has been entered in development phase.
- synchronize (not automaticly, just manually) the site on server every time i make change on development machine in future.

Answer : WSS 3.0 migrate site from development machine to production server - Best practices

For code it's recommended to create solution and install it on the production server.
Here is how:

For data two simple ways possible:
  a. Save template from site (leave include content unchecked)
  b. Delete data and backup site with stsadm.exe and restore in production server.

I'm using backup - restore to move businness data back to the development server.

I'm attached how to save site as template in Site Actions.

Save site as template
Save site as template
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