Question : How to draw directed line or arc in bing map silverlight control

I use microsoft bing map silverlight control to display network traffics between our data centers. I found MapPolyline can be used to draw a line between 2 map points. However, I want to specify the direction of traffics, so what I need is 2 directed lines between any 2 data centers (map points). Furthermore, I don't want these 2 lines to be overlapped, which means they need to have position offset though they start and end from the same map points. So arc will be a better solution if possible.

In summary, my questions are:
1. How to draw directed line or arc in bing map silverlight control?
2. How to display 2 lines with position offset that connect 2 map points?


Answer : How to draw directed line or arc in bing map silverlight control

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