Question : The store driver couldn't deliver the public folder replication message.  Property Validation Failed when replicating public folders in mixed 2003/2007 evironment

We are migrating to Exchange 2007.  We have a legacy exchange 2003 server that we set up public folder replication to our new exchange 2007 mailbox server.  We sporatically get these error messages and I don't understand what they mean.  Is the pf contents replicating or is this a serious problem?  All of our users are still pointed to the old 2003 PF store as we are not done migrating mailboxes yet.  Our plan is to just turn off replication to the old server but we can't do that if the contents aren't replicating properly.

Computer: [VM-EXCH-1]
Monitor: [Event Log Errors]
* Event Time: 23 Nov 2009 07:09:45 PM
* Source: MSExchange Store Driver
* Event Log: Application
* Type: Error Event
* Event ID: 1020
* The store driver couldn't deliver the public folder replication message "Folder Content Backfill Response ([email protected])" because the following error occurred: Property validation failed. Property = [{00062003-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}:0x8111] TotalWork Error = TotalWork(1525252320) is out of range: [0,1525252319]...

Computer: [VM-EXCH-1]
Monitor: [Event Log Errors]
* Event Time: 24 Nov 2009 07:04:53 AM
* Source: MSExchange Store Driver
* Event Log: Application
* Type: Error Event
* Event ID: 1020
* The store driver couldn't deliver the public folder replication message "Folder Content Backfill Response ([email protected])" because the following error occurred: Property validation failed. Property = [{00062003-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}:0x8110] ActualWork Error = ActualWork(1525252320) is out of range: [0,1525252319]...

* Event Time: 24 Nov 2009 07:04:56 AM
* Source: MSExchange Store Driver
* Event Log: Application
* Type: Error Event
* Event ID: 1020
* The store driver couldn't deliver the public folder replication message "Folder Content Backfill Response ([email protected])" because the following error occurred: Property validation failed. Property = [{00062003-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}:0x8111] TotalWork Error = TotalWork(1525252320) is out of range: [0,1525252319]...

Computer: [VM-EXCH-1]
Monitor: [Event Log Errors]
* Event Time: 27 Nov 2009 07:14:46 PM
* Source: MSExchange Store Driver
* Event Log: Application
* Type: Error Event
* Event ID: 1020
* The store driver couldn't deliver the public folder replication message "Folder Content Backfill Response ([email protected])" because the following error occurred: Property validation failed. Property = [{00062003-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}:0x8111] TotalWork Error = TotalWork(1525252320) is out of range: [0,1525252319]...

Computer: [VM-EXCH-1]
Monitor: [Event Log Errors]
* Event Time: 28 Nov 2009 07:14:56 AM
* Source: MSExchange Store Driver
* Event Log: Application
* Type: Error Event
* Event ID: 1020
* The store driver couldn't deliver the public folder replication message "Folder Content Backfill Response ([email protected])" because the following error occurred: Property validation failed. Property = [{00062003-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}:0x8111] TotalWork Error = TotalWork(1525252320) is out of range: [0,1525252319]...

Computer: [VM-EXCH-1]
Monitor: [Event Log Errors]
* Event Time: 30 Nov 2009 07:18:54 AM
* Source: MSExchange Store Driver
* Event Log: Application
* Type: Error Event
* Event ID: 1020
* The store driver couldn't deliver the public folder replication message "Folder Content Backfill Response ([email protected])" because the following error occurred: Property validation failed. Property = [{00062003-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}:0x8111] TotalWork Error = TotalWork(1525252320) is out of range: [0,1525252319]...

Answer : The store driver couldn't deliver the public folder replication message.  Property Validation Failed when replicating public folders in mixed 2003/2007 evironment

The backfill resopnse was not delivered to Exchange 2007.

Public folder are replicated however few contents which were not replicated while contect replication was hapening. If these events are generated in Exchange 2003 , that would mean exchange 2007 requested exchange 2003 to replicate missing stuffs and exchange 2003 wasnt able to deliver them to exchange 2007 due to Property validation failed.
See this article if this helps use EXTRA
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