Question : Printing on continous paper


I am trying to print my report on a continous paper (Sprocket feed paper) using a dot matrix printer.
Everything prints fine until i get to a page break, when it gets there, it changes the spaces that I defined.
Is there a way to tell MS Access to ignore page breaks, as if I am printing on a long sheet of paper? If not, is there a I way I can set the bottom margin to 0", so that it would keep printing without having to take up the extra space for page break.


Answer : Printing on continous paper

You need to have a recordset processing loop to get the data and place that within the print section like:

Function fncPrintContinuous(lngZip as Long)

Dim rs as DAO.recordset

OPEN "LPT1" for output as #1
set rs = currentdb.openrecordset("SELECT customers FROM Table1 Where zip=" & lngZip )
IF rs.eof and rs.bof then
   ' no rows found action like:
   exit function

WHILE Not rs.eof
   Print #1, "     > " & rs!customer & " <"

END Function

You can format the line like I did by using spaces in strings, or by adding e.g. comma's between the fields (acts like a kind of tab skip)

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