Question : searching a database from a form
I'm trying to create an access database which holds a list of contacts. I want the data to be displayed in a simple form (which I have created) and have a search facility, whereby I enter the company's name in a text box, click the button and the result is displayed. to do this, I've butchered the "text search example" from http://www.microsoft-accesssolutions.co.uk/text_search.htm. It's not pretty and I can only (barely) understand the methodology, but I need an extra feature which I cannot work out how to add. Essentially, the system works if I enter the entire company name. I need to be able to enter the first bit (or ideally any part) of the name and have the system return the matching record. I can sort of make it work, by entering an asterix (wildcard) in the text/search box. This will return the desired record, but it will also show the error message box stating that it couldn't find it, which is not really true.
I've pasted the code that is executed when the button is pressed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
============================================================= Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim strIDRef As String Dim strSearch As String 'Check txtSearch for Null value or Nill Entry first.
If IsNull(Me![txtSearch]) Or (Me![txtSearch]) = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter a value!", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Search Criterion!" Me![txtSearch].SetFocus Exit Sub End If '--------------------------------------------------------------- 'Performs the search using value entered into txtSearch 'and evaluates this against values in strStudentID DoCmd.ShowAllRecords DoCmd.GoToControl ("strCompanyName") DoCmd.FindRecord Me!txtSearch strCompanyName.SetFocus strIDRef = strCompanyName.Text txtSearch.SetFocus strSearch = txtSearch.Text 'If matching record found sets focus in strStudentID 'and clears search control
If strIDRef = strSearch Then strCompanyName.SetFocus txtSearch = "" 'If value not found sets focus back to txtSearch and shows msgbox Else MsgBox "Match Not Found For: " & strSearch & " - Please Try Again.", , "Invalid Search" txtSearch.SetFocus End If End Sub =========================================================
Answer : searching a database from a form
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