Question : Repadmin to verify replication?

We have hundreds of Domain Controllers and wanted to verify a specific attribute or registry change from a schema update  that has replicated to all the DC's.

I think I can check this using replmon, USN or watermarks but don't know exactly since all USN's are different and constantly being updated.

The verification does not have to be as granular as verifying a single attribute  but I would like to know how I can tell that the last DC has replicated the latest change from the schema master by using the USN, watermark or other method.

Can someone help me out?

Thanks again

Answer : Repadmin to verify replication?


this article on petri should give you a fair bit of understanding and few examples on how to use repadmin.

and this link is added on the same page which is basically a tech net article on the repadmin examples.

would recommend first reading the article on petri's website and then refer to the examples on technet, and create your queries accordingly.

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