I would like to create a page (actually a master page), without using Frames, that has the top part of the page static at all times (this is where the logo, menu items, static data, etc will go), regardless of whether the user resizes the browswer window. I would like the top part (menu) to remain at the top left, and NO scroll bars to appear in this section when the size of the client data in the "body" section exceeds the length of the page. If the user resizes the window, or the browser is too small to hold the content, I want the scroll bar to ONLY appear on the "body" part of the page. The top part of the page should always remain at the top, and never have a vertical scroll bar or horizontal scroll bar. If the user resizes the window too small, it will merely crop what it cannot show. I can make it so that the information shrinks and expands horizontally easily, but how do I get rid of the vertical and horizontal scrollbars in my top section?