Question : Count rows of table between two dates for value in text box

I am creating a form for an Access 2003 Project.  I need to calculate the days entered in the Academic Calendar table between two dates.  

I have a two tables, AcademicCalendar and ClientSchoolContract.  The AcademicCalendar table contains all of the scheduled school days for a school year, taking int account all school holidays and weekends.  I need to calculate the number of school days for a school contract using a start date and an end date.  The form is based on the table ClientSchoolContract.

I am able to generate the results manually in a SQL query in SQL Server using the following code.

SELECT   COUNT(AcademicCalendar.AcademicCalendarDate) AS  'Total Days',
FROM AcademicCalendar CROSS JOIN ClientIsdContract
WHERE (AcademicCalendarDate >= ClientISDContract.ClientContractStartDate) AND
(AcademicCalendarDate <= ClientISDContract.ClientContractEndDate) AND
ClientISDContractID = 45

However, I need to recreate this action in the text box on the form that displays the total days after the user enters the start date and end date.

I also tried a couple versions of the DCount function as the Control Source for txtCountDays on the form and in the After Update event of the txtContractEndDate field.

DCount("AcademicCalendar.AcademicCalendarDate","AcademicCalendar","AcademicCalendarDate BETWEEN #" & Me.txtContractStartDate & "# AND #" & Me.txtContractEndDate & "#")

DCount("AcademicCalendar.AcademicCalendarDate", "AcademicCalendar", "AcademicCalendarDate BETWEEN Me.txtContractStartDate AND Me.txtContractEndDate")

This is my first Access Database using a SQL Server backend, so I am not sure if there are limitations on manipulating the data in the tables.

Answer : Count rows of table between two dates for value in text box

Link the tables from SQLServer and try something like this in the AfterUpdate event.

Dim strSQL
strSQL = Me.dtEnd

strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS AcdCount " & _
        "FROM dbo_AcademicCalendar " & _
        "WHERE AcademicCalendarDate BETWEEN #" & Me.DtStart.Value & "# AND #" & Me.dtEnd.Value & "# " & _
        "AND ClientISDContractID = " & Me.ClientISDContractID.Value

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)

With rst

    If (.RecordCount > 0) Then
        Me.TotDays = !AcdCount
        Me.TotDays = 0
    End If
End With
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