Question : SBSMONITORING CPU constant CPU usage
Hi Folks,
I am running a few SBS boxes at different clients. And we recently setup a client with a new system with SBS 2008. The issue currently is that the SBSMONITORING service and along with it SQLSERVR.exe is using up a bit of the CPU. The server is a quad-core xeon with 4 gigs of ram. I know 4 gigs is the minimum but the ram doesn't seem to be the issue. the sql process was using up about 300 MB of ram and keeping the cpu at a constant 24-26% usage. I lowered the maximum ram usage of the database to 100 MB, and that is working fine now. The cpu usage lowered with that as well, but it is still using 5-10% CPU when running. If I disable the service CPU goes to 0 until something is used, and things are nice and speedy. Once enabled CPU goes back up and sluggish.
Other SBS 2008 servers we are running, including a test box with less than 4 gigs of RAM, do not show this symptom at all. Just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. I also found a few things online about reinstalling the monitoring, but those articles were geared towards SBS 2003. Just wondering if that is an option and how to do that in 08.
Answer : SBSMONITORING CPU constant CPU usage
I still have not found a fix to this. Currently SBS monitoring is disabled. Is it possible that there is just to much the system is monitoring? There are under 30 computers setup on the server.
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