Question : How to change US dictionary back to UK dictionary permenently ?

We have setup Office2003 with US Regional settings. The Word2003 somehow was default to US dictionary. May I know is there any ways to change our dictionary from US back to Uk permanently ?

Answer : How to change US dictionary back to UK dictionary permenently ?

First look in the following path:
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof

Pray that you see a file named MSSP3EN.LEX in there.  If you do, you've found the main English dictionary.

If you do not see that file, use File Explorer's Search to search your Program Files folder for MSSP*.LEX.  Make sure you click More advanced options and specify that the search is to look in Hidden folders and System folders, or you will not find anything.
If you work in American, Canadian, or UK English, your main dictionary is named MSSP3EN.LEX, so your exclusion dictionary must be named MSSP3EN.EXC.

You can just copy the files form other PC.
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