Question : IP Forwarding / Routing

Dear Experts,

I need to transfer my data from a LAN to another LAN. My architecture is.....

 B (WXP) <-> HUB <-> A (WXP) <-> HUB <-> C (W2K)

The IP for B is Static. A and C is using DHCP IP. I want to transfer my data from Station C to Station B through A, which is not at the same network group.

I have set the IPEnableRouter = 1 at the registry, which is posted on some websites, but I am still unable to do so.

Kindly provide me guidance, or related URLs.


Answer : IP Forwarding / Routing

>>Sorry for trouble you

Its no trouble - thats why Im here,

OK without going into the OSI Model and how things route ill try and answer the question as simply as I can :)

Every IP address has (at least) two parts (I say at cause there can be three - but lets confuse the issue) Theres a Host part and a network part

for example, let look at one of your IP addresses

Network B:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:

this tells me your IP address breaks down as follows............

10          9          2          37

I know this because thats what your subnet tells me.  to get to ANOTHER network (remember you have three) you need to ROUTE the traffic there, a PC can do this but it would need a network card plugged into Two or more subnets. thats why to join networks to gether we need routers.
Routers are only bothered about NETWORKS not hosts so they dont deal with HOSTS. To work out the network number they add the subnet to the IP address (this is not strictly true they use an arthmetical AND statement - but lets not get too technical)


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