I am attaching a sample database file to this post. Open the one query in design view and you'll see exactly how it's done. I had to tweek my example a little because it would only have handled appts under 2 hours. Now it handles any length of appt. This is exactly how you would copy it into your own access query:
TimeConversion_Minutes: CDbl(IIf([Duration]<1 And Len([Duration])=3,Mid([Duration],2),IIf([Duration]<1 And Len([Duration])=2,Mid([Duration],2) & 0,IIf(Len([Duration])=1,[Duration]*60,IIf([Duration]>1 And Len([Duration])=3,(Mid([Duration],3) & 0)+(Left([Duration],1)*60),IIf([Duration]>1 And Len([Duration])=4,(Mid([Duration],3))+(Left([Duration],1)*60)))))))
or you can look at column three of the query called qryDurations in the attached file.
However ... although my idea works fine, Dales example is a work of art. He figured it out with one short equation. You would copy it into your own query like this:
Duration_Minutes: Int([Duration])*60+([Duration]-Int([Duration]))*100
or you can look at column four of the query called qryDurations in the attached file.
We've given you the exact solution, so hopefully you can look at the attached example and make one of them work. If you can't get either of them to work for you, there must be something else going on. You'll have to attach your file so I can have a look at it.