Question : What are the relative merits of using "On Format" and "On Print" events in an Access Report?
In some Access reports I calculate some of my own running totals for the records being printed.
I have ended up doing some of these calculations in the VBA code behind the reports, sometimes using "if FormatCount = 1 ..." in the "On Format" event and sometimes using "if PrintCount = 1 ..." in the "On Print" event, without really understanding their relevant merits.
I think I moved to using "On Print" when I discovered that my "On Format" calculation was not always 100% relaible (despite using the "if FormatCount = 1" condition) in a particular report.
Can anyone clarify this for me and explain why the two events might produce different results?
Many thanks.
Answer : What are the relative merits of using "On Format" and "On Print" events in an Access Report?
see this link for more info
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