Question : Having trouble specifying data source in Sharepoint Reporting Services

I've been tasked to look into SharePoint Reporting Services but my lack of SQL knowledge is causing problems. I'm trying to set up a test implementation on our single server box (WIndows 2003 Server, WSS3/MOSS 2007, SQL Server 2005 Standard). With reference to a few blogs I've got as far as installing everything, configuring the Reporting Services for SQL, and am now trying to set up a Data Source in SharePoint (Reports - - Shared Data Source).

My Data Source type is MS SQL Server. I'm struggling with the connection string. Syntax I'm using is
"data source=http://MTX-SVR1;initial catalog=WSS_Content_Sandbox"
Whatever I put in I get the error message
"The specified path refers to a SharePoint zone that is not supported. The default zone path must be used. (rsSecurityZoneNotSupported)".
I've tried all variations of server name, FQDN, aliases etc, and different inital catalog databases, but always the same error message.
I've read in blogs that it could be something to do with Alternate Access Mappings in MOSS but  I've used various server names which are in the default zone and still the same error message. Equally the same if I try on a workstation or on the server itself.
Does anyone have any ideas? Could be I'm just doing something totally wrong in my syntax for accessing SQL?

Answer : Having trouble specifying data source in Sharepoint Reporting Services

The data source should only be the sql server name so if  MTX-SVR1 is your SQL Server,  it would  read:
"data source=MTX-SVR1;initial catalog=WSS_Content_Sandbox"

It looks like you are trying to report on Sharepoint Data, which is not supported out of the box.  You might want to take a look at the following link:

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