Question : Using More Than 1 Delimiter In Excel 2007 (Pipe & Comma)

Microsoft Excel 2007 uses the setting in the 'Regional and Language Options' (inside the OS control panel) for determining what field delimiter to use for spreadsheet files in excel.  By default this is usually a comma.  However, since I work with many pipe delimited files, I changed this setting to | and now all those files are opening up fine.  The problem now though, is that normal comma delimited csv files are not loading correctly, each full record is showing within the first A column rather than being spread across multiple columns.

What is the solution to this predicament?

Thanks for your time.

Answer : Using More Than 1 Delimiter In Excel 2007 (Pipe & Comma)

Hello thyros,

If most of the time you deal with pipe-delimited files, then perhaps using the pipe as the default delimiter is
for the best.  What you can do for the comma-delimited files is use the text import wizard to open the files;
the wizard allows you to state the delimiter on the fly.

In Excel 2003 you get there from Data|Import External Data|Import Data; not sure of the navigation in the
Excel 2007 ribbon...


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