Question : Help with multiselect listbox


I am new to Multi-Select list boxes.  I would like one on my form, but don't know how to save the data.  I am planning on populating my listbox based on a table called vendors:


ID       Vendor_Name
1            ABC Rental
2             Moving Inc.
etc etc etc

THen in my multiselect listbox I hide the ID column. my customer table, I have a column called Vendor ID which references the vendors table.  However, with the multi select do I store the multi values in Comma Seperated?  How do I do this?


Answer : Help with multiselect listbox

Can you post the code you're using?  Even if the messagebox inside the For loop never fired the one outside should.  I'd also take a close look at the names of the lists; you might try taking "Me.lstVendors.ItemsSelected", deleting the ".ItemsSelected" part and then typing a period.  Autocomplete should supply a list for possible choices.  If it doesn't, chances are pretty the listbox name doesn't match what you have on the form.  If it does, just pick ItemsSelected from the list.
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