I ended up deleting and recreating my profile and that fixed it, But I did verify all of the following first:
Do you for sure have a connection to the Exchange Server? Yes
Can you ping the server? Yes
Are you logged onto the domain? Yes
Is your account Locked Out? No
Have you logged off the domain and back on? Yes
If you are positive you are connected and logged on to the domain. Yes
On the bottom right hand of the screen when it shows your off line status.
Right click on it.
DO you have an option to change it to online? No, option does not exist
You can also try checking the account settings.
Check that the Exchange Server is Correct. Yes
Also check the User Name. Yes
try Removing it and reading it. Would not allow me to edit
be sure to use "Check Name" to verify the user.
If you cant verify the name, cant be connected to the Exchange Server properly Name was properly verified.