Question : Combo box strange behavior

I have come across a problem that I cannot figure out for the life of me...
I have a form with a combo box that is used to move to a particular recod in the underlying dataset.  There is a command button that will make the combo box visible, then you type in the name of the company record which to move to.  It is an auto-fill combo box, so when you type the first letter, the box highlights the contents, and as you type more letters, the combo box reflects the changes and highlights the company name as you type.  Once the target company is displayed, press enter and the company record is displayed in the form.  It work great except for one thing:
When you type a lower-case "i", the combo box flashes the black "selected" text, then reverts to edit mode and I am not able to move through the company names as I type.  When an upper-case I is typed, the combo box acts normally and I can continue typing and move through the company names.  This only happens with the letter "i".
I thought it was because the "i" was followed by a space, but other companies begin with a single letter and space and the combo box works fine.
I have other combo boxes that search for last name and entering the letter "i" is not a problem.
I created a new combo box on the same form using the wizard and the same thing happens with the new combo box.
I am using MS Access 2003.  The database is split with frontend and backend files.

Any ideas about what could possibly be going on?

Answer : Combo box strange behavior

This may be AutoCorrect run amok.  To turn it off, open the AutoCorrect dialog from Tools, AutoCorrect (Access 2003), or Access Options, Current Database, Autocorrect options (Access 2007).  AutoCorrect is usually the first thing I turn off when making a new database.
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