Question : Save Excel file as Pipe delimited text file

Is there a way to save an Excel file into a Pipe delimited text file?

I have seen a solution for this (question ID: 10207655 ) and followed the suggestion:

1. Start Excel and open the workbook with the sheet you want to convert.
2. Start Control Panel, Double-click Regional Settings, Click the Number tab
3. Change the list separator (it is probably a comma or maybe a semicolon before you change it) to a pipe symbol.
4. Click 'OK'
5. Return to Excel...
6. File - Save as, Type: CSV (Comma delimited). Click OK once or twice to accept the save.
7. After the save, go back to Control panel and set your list separator back to normal.

How when I have done this my file still saves with comma and not a pipe.  My operating system is Vista Enterprise SP 2

Answer : Save Excel file as Pipe delimited text file

You can add VBA code to your workbook to do the export.

The VBA routines below export a worksheet as a text file with a custom field delimiter. There are three routines:

ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiterQuery - This is a "wrapper" routine that can be called from VBA or as a macro. It queries the user for the export file path parameter and field delimiter parameter and then calls ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiter with those parameters using the currently active worksheet for the worksheet to be exported. This is the easiest way to export a worksheet without writing any additional VBA code.

ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiterDefault - This is a "wrapper" routine that can be called from VBA or as a macro. It calls ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiter with a default set of parameters. These default parameters can be changed as desired. Use this routine when the export file path and field delimiter are the same each time.

ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiter - This is the main routine that does the work. This routine can only be called from VBA code. The parameters to ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiter are explained in the routine.

Note that the resulting output contains the same values as formatted on the worksheet.

To implement this solution add the code below to any general code module.

[Begin Code Segment]

Public Sub ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiterQuery()

' Call the routine ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiter using a queried set of
' parameter values.

   Dim FileName As String
   Dim FilePath As String
   Dim Delimiter As String
   If InStrRev(ActiveWorkbook.Name, ".") = 0 Then
      FileName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
      FileName = Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, InStrRev(ActiveWorkbook.Name, ".") - 1)
   End If
   FilePath = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(FileName & ".txt", "Text File (*.txt), *.txt")
   If FilePath = "False" Then Exit Sub
      Delimiter = Application.InputBox("Enter the field delimiter:", "Export Worksheet With Custom Delimiter", Type:=2)
      If Delimiter = "False" Then Exit Sub
      If Len(Delimiter) > 0 Then Exit Do
      If MsgBox("Enter a field delimiter or click Cancel.", vbOKCancel, "Export Worksheet With Custom Delimiter") = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
   ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiter ActiveSheet, FilePath, Delimiter

End Sub

Public Sub ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiterDefault()

' Call the routine ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiter using a predefined set of
' parameter values.

   ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiter "Sheet1", "C:\Full\Path\To\OutputFile.txt", "|"

End Sub

Public Sub ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiter( _
      ByVal SourceWorksheet As Variant, _
      ByVal FilePath As String, _
      ByVal Delimiter As String, _
      Optional ByVal PrefaceText As String, _
      Optional ByVal TrailingText As String _

' Exports the source worksheet as a text file with a custom field delimiter.
' Syntax
' ExportWorksheetWithCustomDelimiter(SourceWorksheet, FilePath, Delimiter)
' SourceWorksheet - The name of or a reference to a worksheet.
' FilePath - The full path to the export file.
' Delimiter - One or more characters to use as the field delimiter.
' PrefaceText - One or more characters to place in front of every record.
' TrailingText - One or more characters to place after every record.

   Dim DisplayAlerts As Boolean
   Dim FileNumber As Long
   Dim FileData As String
   If VarType(SourceWorksheet) = vbString Then SourceWorksheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceWorksheet).Name
   ' Create copy of source worksheet in new workbook
   ' Save copy as tab delimited text file and close
   DisplayAlerts = Application.DisplayAlerts
   Application.DisplayAlerts = False
   ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FilePath, FileFormat:=xlText
   ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
   Application.DisplayAlerts = DisplayAlerts
   ' Read file into string variable and delete file
   FileNumber = FreeFile
   Open FilePath For Binary Access Read Write As FileNumber
   FileData = StrConv(InputB(LOF(FileNumber), FileNumber), vbUnicode)
   Close FileNumber
   Kill FilePath
   ' Replace all tabs with special character
   FileData = Replace(FileData, Chr(9), Delimiter)
   ' Add preface text is specified
   If Len(PrefaceText) > 0 Then
      FileData = PrefaceText & Replace(FileData, vbCrLf, vbCrLf & PrefaceText)
      FileData = Left(FileData, Len(FileData) - Len(PrefaceText))
   End If
   ' Add trailing text if specified
   If Len(TrailingText) > 0 Then
      FileData = Replace(FileData, vbCrLf, TrailingText & vbCrLf)
   End If
   ' Right modified text back out to same file
   Open FilePath For Binary Access Read Write As FileNumber
   Put FileNumber, , FileData
   Close FileNumber

End Sub

[End Code Segment]

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