Question : Heres a good one ---- Select Records based on digits following decimal point in numerical value

OK, here's a good one..... I've got a table in Access 2007 named WorkOrders:TBL that contains a field of work order numbers.  Each work order number is 8 digits long with a decimal place before the last two digits (so they're in the format of xxxxxx.xx).  I need to be able to filter out (i.e. do NOT return) all records where the work order number ends with two zero's following the decimal place (XXXXXX.00)---- *UNLESS* --- it was created by one of my service technicians (I've only got two tech's).    
If this can be done by code, query or macro, I'm open to all options.  If you need further clarification let me know.  

Thanks a bunch!

Answer : Heres a good one ---- Select Records based on digits following decimal point in numerical value

Select * from [WorkOrders:TBL] Where WONumber NOT like '*.00' OR Assignment in ("TechName1', 'TechName2')
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