Question : Hook and modify Windows Messages (even under Windows CE)

Hi all,

At the moment I can hook windows messages under Windows CE using Compact Framework and
OpenNETCF SmartDevice Framework. I took the IMessageFilter Interface, derivied a class from it
an added an instance of this class to ApplicationEx's method AddMessageFilter.
What I want to do now, I want to change the messages's parameter and send them through. I
want to hook all key-pressed messages, change the key-parameter e.g. from to on
one place for my whole application. Is there any change to catch and change these parameters ?
What could the solution be under Desktop Framework 1.1 and with Compact Framework under
Windows CE ?

Thanks in advance,


Answer : Hook and modify Windows Messages (even under Windows CE)

First, I'm not expert in this.
There's a sample project given related to same here. (in fact, 3 projects),1410,30129,00.html

This got me thinking...
What if we catch the message from in a ByRef argument and change it to the message for desired key()?

Hope it makes sense.
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