How about something like:
AND PostalCodes.CITY=Cities.CITYNAME AND PostalCodes.State=Cities.STATE
AND (PostalCodes.Lat*69.4-@VMILES)*(PostalCodes.Lat*69.4-@VMILES)-
(PostalCodes.Long*44-@HMILES)*(PostalCodes.Long*44-@HMILES) < X2
where @VMILES is the entered latitude multiplied by 69.4 and @HMILES is the entered longitude multiplied by 44. (I'm not sure if that's the right parameter format for ASP;
fix it if necessary. This is untested.)
69.4 is miles in a degree of latitude (earth's circumference about 25000 miles/360).
44 is my guess for longitude in the U.S. I think it should be 1/360 of the circumference times the sine of the latitude, but I'm not positive. If it ends up working, you can refine it by looking it up or figuring it out. It will still be inaccurate because it will be based on average latitude. You'd have to take latitude into account as well to figure it exactly; it would be more complicated and I don't know how to do it.
X2 is the radius you want to search within, squared. So the where condition is the Pythagorean theorem.