Question : Compatible Windows Server 2000 SATA Controller?

i'm setting up windows 2000 server (for licensing reasons, it's all we have) on a Dell PowerEdge T110. Unfortunately I have a PERC100 which is incompatible with 2000... only 2003+

My question is, is there a compatible and affordable PCI-E sata card I could purchase that would allow me to run Windows Server 2000 from it since I cannot use the on-board SATA controller?

Thanks so much for any direction or guidance you can provide!

Answer : Compatible Windows Server 2000 SATA Controller?

I can't imagine finding one with CERTIFIED drivers as MSFT removed support well before pcie and sata were mainstreamed.  you don't want to risk running something that may lock up or corrupt data.

why not just virtualize the box?  I converted my precious accounting win2K machine to a vm and it is now much faster and easy to maintain... plus no issues with hardware ever again

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