Question : Need a simple script

I need a script that will launch one of my batch files. I need at every 36 hours to pop up a window to say "Do you want to check for updates", with a Yes or No option. Script should DO something to the effect of "if user clicks YES, run slogic.bat"....and "If user clicks NO, go to end". I'm not a very skillful scripter, so if any of the scripting professionals out there can help me with a script to do this desired effect, that would be awesome! It will be running on Windows XP SP3.

Answer : Need a simple script

Let's have a batch like the following and named as "Test.bat"
@TITLE I am a batch
@ECHO ^            I am a batch!!!
@echo ^     Please press any key to exit
@pause > nul
The vbscript will be the following and named as "Test.vbs"
ret = msgbox("Please choose your answer", vbYesNo, "Answer me")
' If ret = Yes
If ret = 6 Then
    CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "%COMSPEC% /c Test.bat"
' If ret = No
ElseIf ret = 7 Then
End If

Place these 2 files in the same place and then schuduled it to run on every 36 hours.

Have fun!!!
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