Question : Creating event "boxes" around a clock (powered by Events list)

Hello all!
I'm currently trying to develop a small application that will show events that are listed in an Events list, and display them around a clock (in this case, a 24 hour clock).
I've attatched an image (sorry for the poor paint job) to help out with explaining.

Basically, i guess i should cut this down in steps:
1 - Create the clock to display in the web part.
2 - Read event items from the Events list.
3 - Set all event box's background color to Gray.
4- While the event is "in session", set the background color for the event to Green.

So when the web part loads, it will read from an Events list and load all events into itself.
Then it will draw "boxes" (or something) around the clock and put the "TItle" text from the list into the box that is at the specified time.  All boxes will be grayed out by default  and then green once it starts.
This might sound confusing, but i think it's simple (except for the part i don't know how to do...).

I know how to read list items from a list, so that i can get the start/end time, title, etc.  What i'm not certain about is how to create/display a 24 hour clock and bind the events from the list to the specified time.

To "get started" with this, i was going to output text in the web part to the screen saying "Event xxxx starts in 10 minutes!" and the "Event xxxx has started!".  
The next step would be to draw boxes around the clock to put the events in.  

So i guess where i'm asking for help (as google hasn't helped too much in this regard) is:

- Does anyone know how to create a 24 hour clock ti display in a web part (with moving hands and everything, similar to a javascript clock.

- Does anyone know how to check an event like OnMinute()  (i'm just guessing here) so that each minute the web part checks to see if an event happens at that minute?

- Does anyone know how to draw boxes, etc, in a web part?

I know this is asking a bit much, but i was hoping at least a few people out there would have an idea about how to implement this.  From that point on i can do what i want to do as far as other capabilities in the web part, but these few things have me stumped.

Answer : Creating event "boxes" around a clock (powered by Events list)

"Does anyone know how to create a 24 hour clock ti display in a web part (with moving hands and everything, similar to a javascript clock."
>>Use a picture (like the one you pasted in) and paint a line indicating the time on top of the picture.  Once per second repaint the lines

Does anyone know how to check an event like OnMinute()  (i'm just guessing here) so that each minute the web part checks to see if an event happens at that minute?
>>Use a timer component with an interval of 60000 (milliseconds)

Does anyone know how to draw boxes, etc, in a web part
Here is a good example of 2-D graphics:
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