Question : Creating RDP hyperlinks in an Excel document

Greetings IT Experts!  How on God's beautiful green earth do you go about creating RDP hyperlinks that actually WORK in an Excel 2007 document?  Right now I am getting an error message that states "No program is registered to open this file".  I may be slightly retarded an can not follow directions very well, but I have tried everything I have done a search on to absolute no avail.  Can this even be done?  Can someone tell me explicitly how to register the RDP application with Microsoft Excel 2007?  Thanks a bunch.

Answer : Creating RDP hyperlinks in an Excel document

For anyone that is wanting to do this, I found the answer here.  This guy is my hero.

Here's the fix in case the page above ever goes inactive:

OK, if that doesnt work.... (I really doubt it will), then try this rough cut example... It can be worked on more if it proves to be successful....

In cell D2 Put a real server name - in this case say "myserver".

Insert a hyperlink on cell D2 by going to the menu, select insert hyperlink.

Insert a hyperlink to a "PLACE IN THIS DOCUMENT" and make the cell reference "D2". In other words, you have just created a hyperlink to the cell you just click on... sounds silly I know, but work with me

Insert the following code in the HyperlinkFollow event for that worksheet.

**VB: AutoLinked keywords will cause extra spaces before keywords. Extra spacing is NOT transferred when copy/pasting, but IS if the keyword uses "quotes".**

Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
    Dim RetVal
    RetVal = Shell("c:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe /v:" & Target.Name, 1)
End Sub

So basically, when you click on the hyperlink on the sheet, it hyperlinks to the cell just selected, but also triggers the follow hyperlink event. This event in turn launches the specific application, using the server name that you entered in D2, in another window.

This seemed to do the trick for me.


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